
Global alignment on health policy necessary to make a smokeless world a reality

Smokeless nicotine alternatives could give adult smokers a chance to stamp out conventional cigarettes for good
Global alignment on health policy necessary to make a smokeless world a reality
The accessibility of alternative nicotine products is essential for the success of the tobacco harm reduction (THR) approach

With the renewed attention on regulations of alternative less* harmful products to cigarettes, including vaping, heated products and nicotine pouches around the world, now is the time for action which will realise global smokefree ambitions and ensure cigarettes become a thing of the past.

Achieving this vision requires a global consensus on the most effective approach to create sustained and lasting changes to consumer behaviour – Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR).

THR is one of the greatest public health opportunities today, representing a pathway for hundreds of millions of adult smokers, who would not otherwise quit, to transition from combustible tobacco products to smokeless alternatives with reduced risk* potential to smoking.

THR benefits witnessed across the world

Countries that have recognised the opportunity THR presents, and which have adopted supportive policies, have seen striking success in reducing their smoking rates. The US, New Zealand, UK and Japan are all currently witnessing their lowest smoking rates on record, while Sweden is on track to declare themselves smokefree this year – defined as having fewer than 5 percent of daily smokers in the population – 16 years ahead of the 2040 EU target.

These remarkable transformations have been driven by widespread THR acceptance from policymakers, regulators, health officials and adult consumers in these markets, enabling and encouraging adult smokers to migrate from combustible tobacco products such as cigarettes to vapour, oral nicotine pouches, and heated products.

The accessibility of alternative nicotine products is essential for the success of THR. However, at present this is being hamstrung by many countries limiting access to these products. For example, 60 percent of the world’s population lives in just 15 countries. Of these, only about 40 percent permit the sale of smokeless products, leaving millions, who would otherwise continue to smoke, without the option to switch to such alternatives.

The necessity of scientifically driven regulations

In order to fully realise the public health potential of THR, regulators around the world should embrace evidence-based science to drive positive public health outcomes. This means implementing a supportive regulatory framework that encourages adult smokers, who would otherwise continue to smoke, to switch, while also protecting consumers with stringent safety standards and preventing underage use.

In addition, the global success of THR depends on governments and regulators correcting persistent misperceptions of alternative nicotine products with reduced risk* potential to cigarettes.

A UCL-led study published earlier this year highlighted that most smokers in England wrongly believe vaping is ‘at least as harmful as smoking’, with 57 percent of respondents saying they thought vaping was ‘equally’ or ‘more harmful’. This echoes trends reported in the US, with research showing that perceptions of e-cigarettes as more harmful than cigarettes doubled year on year between 2018 and 2020. Not only are these misperceptions flawed, but they also have significant implications for public health by actively discouraging adult smokers, who would otherwise continue to smoke, from making the switch to smokeless products.

Greater efforts are needed to counter these misperceptions. BAT’s THR approach is based on the growing body of research and weight of evidence that substantiates our belief of the reduced risk* profile of these products compared to cigarettes, which is backed by many international public health bodies. We publish our science research on to increase understanding of THR and raise awareness with stakeholders.

Indeed, the industry developing and producing these products has a critical role to play. But to achieve the conditions required to make a success of THR, we need an inclusive, open, and honest dialogue with all stakeholders. That includes policymakers, regulators, and the healthcare and medical communities.

We have an opportunity to usher in a new smokeless world, grounded in scientific research and a firm commitment to public health. The solutions are available today.

*Based on the weight of evidence and assuming a complete switch from cigarette smoking. These products are not risk free and are addictive.

Dr James Murphy, Director of Research and Science at BAT

Dr James Murphy is Director of Research and Science at BAT.

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