
Sheikh Ahmed attends opening of 22nd Arab Media Forum in Dubai

The forum was held on Day 2 the Arab Media Summit 2024
Sheikh Ahmed attends opening of 22nd Arab Media Forum in Dubai
Sheikh Ahmed highlighted efforts to foster dialogue and establish partnerships to accelerate media development, serve Arab interests, and promote sustainable development

The 22nd edition of the Arab Media Forum began on Tuesday in Dubai. The event was attended by Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Second Deputy Ruler of Dubai and Chairman of the Dubai Media Council; Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak, Prime Minister of the Republic of Yemen; and Jassem AlBudaiwi, Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

The forum was held on Day 2 the Arab Media Summit 2024, which also includes the Arab Youth Media Forum that concluded on Monday, the 23rd Arab Media Award, and the fourth Arab Social Media Influencers Award.

Sheikh Ahmed highlighted efforts to foster dialogue and establish partnerships to accelerate media development, serve Arab interests, and promote sustainable development.

“We are committed to enhancing Dubai’s role in forming partnerships that support the media sector in its mission and social role. Our goal is to prepare for a future where media continues to uphold national values and strengthen the connection of new generations with their rich historical and cultural heritage,” Sheikh Ahmed said.

“The gathering of leading Arab media figures in Dubai is a crucial opportunity to showcase this vital sector’s ability to meet the region’s future aspirations. Media plays a key role in guiding Arab dialogue towards greater unity and coordination, building new bridges of cooperation across various fields. This supports joint efforts for broader growth and prosperity for the entire Arab world.”

The opening session was also attended by Sheikh Mansoor bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Chairman of the Dubai Sports Council; Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Chairperson of the Dubai Culture & Arts Authority; Abdulrahman Al-Mutairi, Minister of Information and Culture, Kuwait, and a number of senior media personalities and thought leaders from across the Arab world.

The future of GCC media

Jassem Al Budaiwi delivered a keynote address, in which he explored key developments in the GCC media sector and the need for a unified response from GCC countries to tackle the opportunities and challenges ahead.

He also praised Dubai and the AMF for providing a remarkable platform for thought leadership that supports the development of Arab media across the region.

He also said GCC strongly believes in diversity and dialogue, noting that GCC countries are a melting pot of cultures from around the world.

Al Budaiwi also delved into the growing use of social media platforms across GCC, a region in which 58 million people, or 96.55 percent of the population, are active users of various platforms. This includes 27.235 million Facebook users, 49.37 million YouTube subscribers, 27.75 million Instagram users, 46.99 million TikTok users over the age of 18, and approximately 21.6 million X (formerly Twitter) users.

A new phase of growth

The opening session was also attended by Mona Al Marri, vice-chairperson and managing director of the Dubai Media Council and president of the Dubai Press Club (DPC), who delivered the welcome address. She highlighted the push for a new phase of accelerated media growth, fostering optimism among innovators, especially the youth. She stressed the importance of agile responses to evolution and transformation and a mindset open to change. Media outlets stand the risk of being irrelevant if they fail to adapt to risks.

She also highlighted the challenges faced by the Arab world, emphasising efforts focused on advancing development, coexistence, and stability amidst global shifts. Al Marri noted the core status of the Palestinian issue and the vital need for rationality, hope, and positivity, which align with the UAE’s commitment to generating new opportunities and creating a brighter future for the Arab world. She stressed the value of dialogue during adversity, advocating for thoughtful inquiry and highlighting the media’s vital role in representing diverse voices.

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