
UAE corporate tax: FTA urges registration by end of September

The FTA noted that an administrative penalty will be levied on taxable persons who fail to comply
UAE corporate tax: FTA urges registration by end of September
The FTA stated that registration for corporate tax purposes is available through the EmaraTax digital tax services platform

The Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has urged resident juridical persons with licences issued in July, irrespective of the year of issuance, to promptly submit their corporate tax registration application no later than September 30, 2024, to avoid administrative penalties.

In a press statement issued on Tuesday, the FTA advised taxable persons to adhere to the timelines specified in FTA Decision No. 3 of 2024 on the timeline for the registration of taxable persons for corporate tax under Federal Decree-Law No. 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses and its amendments, which came into effect on March 1, 2024. The FTA decision outlines deadlines for each category of taxable persons subject to corporate tax to submit their registration applications.

Penalties for non-compliance

The FTA noted that an administrative penalty will be levied on taxable persons who fail to comply with submitting their corporate tax registration application within the specified time periods.

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Furthermore, the FTA explained that the FTA decision applies to juridical persons and natural persons, whether resident or non-resident, noting that juridical persons that are resident persons incorporated or otherwise established or recognized before March 1, 2024, must submit their corporate tax registration application based on the month their license was issued, irrespective of the year of issuance.

For taxable persons holding multiple licenses as of March 1, 2024, the deadline is determined by the license with the earliest issuance date. In the event that a taxable person holds an expired license on March 1, 2024, the registration deadline is still based on the month the license was issued.

Corporate tax registration access available 24/7

The FTA stated that registration for corporate tax purposes is available through the EmaraTax digital tax services platform, which is accessible 24/7. The registration process has been streamlined into four main steps that will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. The platform also allows value added tax or excise tax registrants to directly access their accounts via EmaraTax, complete registration for corporate tax, and submit the required documents. Once the registration request is approved, taxable persons will obtain a registration number for corporate tax purposes.

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Meanwhile, the FTA urged taxable persons subject to corporate tax who have yet to register to create a new username through the EmaraTax platform using their email address and mobile number. Once the account is successfully created, registration can be completed by identifying the taxable person, selecting the ‘Register for Corporate Tax’ option, and following the remaining simple steps.

Additionally, taxable persons subject to corporate tax can register directly through the EmaraTax platform or through authorized agents listed on the FTA’s website. They can also submit a corporate tax registration application at several government service centres across the country, which provide their services electronically in accordance with government service standards and under the supervision of qualified and trained individuals. Once application procedures and electronically entered data verification are complete, a team of specialists reviews the application internally and provides the applicant with their tax registration number for corporate tax directly to the email address listed in the registration application.

Finally, the FTA renewed its call for all taxable persons subject to corporate tax to review the Corporate Tax Law, related implementing decisions and guidelines published on the FTA website.

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