
Countries and regions with the highest life expectancy globally in 2024

Monaco, Hong Kong and Macau have among the highest life expectancies
Countries and regions with the highest life expectancy globally in 2024
More developed countries tend to have higher life expectancies

The average life expectancy at birth indicates a population’s overall mortality level. According to analysts, there are three main elements that influence longevity. These are genetics, gender and lifestyle. It includes factors like nutrition and exercise, hygiene and culture. Also, lifestyle choices like smoking and occupation matter. Other aspects like access to high-quality healthcare and even crime rates also contribute to this.

What is life expectancy?

Life expectancy is a statistical estimate of the average number of years that a person is likely to live. This is based on actuarial statistics. Life expectancy at birth is the average lifespan a newborn can be expected to live, assuming that age-specific mortality levels remain constant. This is estimated as the actual age-specific death rate of any birth cohort cannot be known in advance. If death rates fall, actual life spans will be higher than life expectancy calculated using current death rates. It is one of the most frequently used health status indicators. Gains in life expectancy at birth can be attributed to several factors, including rising living standards, improved lifestyle and better education, as well as greater access to quality health services. This indicator is measured in years for the total population and by gender.

In 2023, the average life expectancy for those born in more developed countries was 75 years for men and 82 years for women. On the other hand, the respective numbers for men and women born in the least developed countries were 63 and 67 years. More developed countries tend to have higher life expectancies for a multitude of reasons. Healthcare infrastructure and quality of life tend to be higher in more developed countries, as is access to clean water and food. Africa was the continent that had the lowest life expectancy for both men and women in 2023, while Oceania had the highest for men and Europe and Oceania had the highest for women, as per Satista.

Countries and regions with the longest life expectancies

According to World Population Review, below are the list of nations and regions which have the longest life expectancies:


One of the smallest countries in the world, Monaco also has the UN’s longest estimated life expectancy of any country as of 2023. Males in Monaco are expected to live an average of 85.17 years, and females are expected to live an even longer 88.99 years, for an overall average of 87.01 years.

Why do Monaco’s people live so long? Experts attribute the country’s extra-long lifespans to multiple factors. First is the Mediterranean diet, which is high in healthy seafood, fruits and vegetables. Second is the country’s top-notch (and state-funded) healthcare system, and third is the large percentage of residents with enough disposable income to afford healthy lifestyles and any additional wellness aids they may desire.

Hong Kong (SAR)

The United Nations estimates that Hong Kong has the second-highest life expectancy in the world as of 2023. The average age of living in Hong Kong is 88.66 years for females and 83.00 for males. Hong Kong has seen a rapid economic development and a steady increase in the life expectancy of its people.

Hong Kong has world-class education and employment programs. It has the lowest infant mortality rate in the world, and high-quality child health care. Yet, Hong Kong spends less on both health and social care as a proportion of its GDP than many other countries, including the United States or the United Kingdom.

Macau (SAR)

Macau has the third-highest life expectancy of 2023 at 85.51 years. Males born in Macau can expect to live for about 82.88 years and women can expect to live approximately 88.11 years. Macau’s high life expectancy is due to its clean environment and air, great education, easy access to health care, and strong economy.


Japan has 2023’s fourth-highest life expectancy at roughly 87.97 years for females and 81.91 years for males, for a total average lifespan of 84.95 years. According to a 2016 study, Japan’s high life expectancy is largely due to its diet. The Japanese have diets with lots of fruits and vegetables, fresh meat and fish, and grain-based foods (very similar to the Mediterranean diet).

Additionally, the Japanese government invested heavily in public health more than 50 years ago. That resulted in robust childhood vaccination programs and the introduction of universal health insurance. This has also been credited for the high life expectancy. Japanese citizens also remain very active, even into their elderly years.


Another tiny European country, the micronation Liechtenstein boasts an average of 84.95 years — 83.16 years for males and 86.23 for females. Quality of life is high in Liechtenstein. It is both a high-income country and also the least-visited country in Europe. More importantly for longevity, Liechtenstein is also one of several countries that offer free healthcare to residents.


Switzerland’s average life expectancy is 84.38 years. Women are likely to live about 86.05 years and men are likely to live about 82.63 years. The life expectancy in Switzerland is almost double what it was at the beginning of the 20th century.

Studies point to several possible secrets to Switzerland’s high life expectancy. These include active lifestyles, a sense of well-being and satisfaction, a diet consisting of lots of dairy products including cheese and dark chocolate. Switzerland also spends a higher percentage of its GDP on healthcare than any other country in the European Union. Its people have a strong cultural appreciation for preventative health and healthy aging.

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Singapore has the seventh-highest life expectancy in the world as of 2023. It has an average lifespan of 82.13 years for males and 86.42 years for females. This leads to a combined average of 84.27 years. Singapore has very low infant mortality rates, road traffic mortality rates, and deaths related to air pollution. Additionally, Singapore has a very low mortality rate for cardiovascular or chronic respiratory diseases as well as diseases related to unsafe water or lack of hygiene.


With the eighth-highest life expectancy of any country, Italians can expect to live 84.20 years on average. This implies to 86.13 years for women and 82.15 years for men. Italian life expectancy has seen small decreases in recent years. This is because roughly 8.4 percent of Italy’s population lives in deep poverty. The northern portion of the country has a high life expectancy. It is the most economically developed part in Italy.

Vatican City

Vatican City is a unique place. Its population is almost entirely made up of non-natives — Catholic clergymen. It is the smallest country in Europe as well as in the world. Despite these unusual demographics, the population of Vatican City enjoys the ninth-longest life expectancy of any country in the world. In 2023, men in Vatican City have an average life expectancy of 82.17 years. Females have a life expectancy of 86.03 years. This combine for a total life expectancy of 84.16 years.

South Korea

In South Korea, men live an average of 80.83 years and women live an average of 87.23 years, for a combined life age of 84.14 years.

South Korea’s life expectancy may be the fastest-growing in the world. As recently as 1960, the average life expectancy in South Korea was roughly 52 years. However, a greater understanding of nutrition, improvements in food distribution, and better access to health and social care have enabled the country to make huge strides in terms of longevity. In fact, many experts expect South Koreans to enjoy the longest life expectancies in the world by 2030.

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