
Can developers make money with OpenAI’s new app store plans?

By selling their AI models built on OpenAI's technology, specifically ChatGPT
Can developers make money with OpenAI’s new app store plans?

According to a report by The Information, OpenAI is working on creating an app store. The plan is to launch a marketplace where developers can sell their AI models built on OpenAI’s technology, specifically ChatGPT.

This chatbot has become quite popular and has been integrated into Microsoft’s search engine Bing. Businesses often customize ChatGPT to meet their specific needs, such as detecting fraud or conducting market research. With the proposed marketplace, developers can offer their customized AI models to other businesses.

Read more: ChatGPT4 is the new, improved version of its generative AI self

By creating this marketplace, OpenAI hopes to expand its customer base and reach a wider audience for its AI technology. However, this move could potentially put OpenAI in direct competition with app stores operated by its customers and technology partners, including Salesforce and Microsoft.

It’s worth noting that Microsoft invested at least $1 billion in OpenAI back in 2019, long before the emergence of ChatGPT. Earlier this year, OpenAI secured an additional investment of $10 billion, which is a multi-year commitment. The latest iteration of OpenAI’s language model, GPT-4, was also launched on March 14.

On June 6, OpenAI announced it has no plans to go public any time soon, Chief Executive Sam Altman said at a conference in Abu Dhabi.

For more on ChatGPT, click here.

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