
The smartest countries in the world by IQ level

Japan ranks at the top of the list with an astounding average IQ of 106.48 and a 99 percent literacy rate
The smartest countries in the world by IQ level
Unlike the flashy online ‘cognitive tests’, you need a real, legitimate cause to take the test if you want to know your IQ

Identifying the smartest countries in the world by IQ level is one of the most difficult tasks, as several factors must be taken into consideration.

Another important aspect to consider when identifying the most innovative country is the average IQ score, which helps determine an individual’s intelligence quotient (IQ) level and smartness. This helps determine an individual’s smartness and ability to comprehend complex things more easily.

Understanding the intelligence quotient (IQ)

Intelligence quotient, or IQ for short, measures a person’s reasoning ability. IQ tests are a type of standardized test designed to measure cognitive skills. In other words, an IQ test is designed to measure how well someone can utilize knowledge and reasoning to answer questions or make predictions. An actual intelligence quotient test is a systematic, clinical and scientific evaluation administered by a qualified expert with psychological assistance. Unlike the flashy online ‘cognitive tests’, you need a real, legitimate cause to take the test if you want to know your child’s or your IQ. It is not likely that a psychologist would give you a test to grab your interest.

Countries with the highest average IQ in the world

According to a report by World Population Review, here is a list of the world’s smartest countries by IQ level.

1. Japan (IQ level: 106.48)

The land of the rising sun, Japan, has an astounding average IQ of 106.48 and a 99 percent literacy rate, making it the top country in the world for high IQs. It should come as no surprise that Japan, a pioneer in many areas, is now at the forefront of the world in industries like technology, engineering, and medicine. There are additional cultural and sociological elements at work in Japan, even though its high IQ and literacy rate are frequently attributed to its excellent educational system. The intellectual prosperity of Japan may also be attributed to the culture’s early focus on discipline, hard labour, and attention to detail. Japan’s high average IQ and literacy rate indicate the nation’s strong intellectual capabilities.

2. Taiwan (IQ level: 106.47)

Taiwan is a global intellectual powerhouse with the second-highest IQ in the world. Taiwan’s average IQ is a remarkable 106.47. An astounding 96.1 percent of people are literate. Taiwan is renowned for its inventiveness and scientific breakthroughs, and the country has benefited greatly from a booming tech sector. It seems obvious that their success with technology and intelligence are directly correlated. Taiwan’s performance in the Intelligence Capital Index further highlights its ability to leverage the intelligence of its citizens for technological and scientific advancements.

3. Singapore (IQ level: 105.89)

Singapore, also known as the ‘Lion City,’ is third on the list of nations with the highest average IQ, with a remarkable score of 105.89. This little nation has gained attention for its outstanding academic records and steady #1 spot in international education rankings. With a 96.77 percent literacy rate, Singapore’s well-educated population values acquiring new information.

4. Hong Kong (IQ level: 105.37)

Hong Kong is the fourth most intelligent nation in the world, with an average IQ of 105.37. It has an exceptional IQ, but compared to some of the other high-IQ nations on this list, its literacy rate is lower at 93.5 percent. However, Hong Kong is a hotspot of intellectual capital because of its distinct fusion of East and West and its standing as a major global financial hub. The high average IQ in Hong Kong suggests that the average person possesses strong cognitive abilities.

5. China (IQ level: 104.1)

China is the fifth-highest IQ country in the world, with an average IQ of 104.1. This high intelligence quotients indicates the nation’s emphasis on learning and intellectual growth. The fact that 96.36 percent of Chinese people are literate suggests that the country’s educational system needs work. On the other hand, due to the system’s fierce competition and the pressure children face to achieve academically, diligence, perseverance, and academic brilliance have become the norm.

6. South Korea (IQ level: 102.35)

South Korea is the sixth-highest IQ country in the world, with an average IQ of 102.35. The nation’s emphasis on education and intellectual growth is demonstrated by the IQ score. The educational system in South Korea is extremely competitive, and students are under constant pressure to perform academically well. This has produced a culture of diligence and determination. At 97.97 percent, the literacy rate is still lower than in some of the other nations on the list. Despite this, the nation’s dedication to innovation and education keeps pushing the edge of intellectual accomplishment.

7. Belarus (IQ level: 101.6)

With an average IQ of 101.6, Belarus is the seventh-highest IQ country in the world. The majority of Belarusians are highly analytical and capable of critical thought. Belarus has an impressive 99.72 percent literacy rate, indicating a strong educational system. Additionally, the nation has a lengthy history of scientific accomplishments. In disciplines including physics, chemistry, and mathematics, Belarusian scientists have achieved major advances and are still expanding the frontiers of science. Belarus’s high average intelligence quotients and literacy rate indicate the nation’s strong intellectual capabilities.

8. Finland (IQ level: 101.2)

With an average IQ of 101.2, Finland is the eighth-highest IQ nation in the world. It is well known that Finns are generally excellent problem solvers. In Finland, education is highly valued, too. This is reflected in the nation’s astounding 100 percent literacy rate. Finland’s education system is one of the greatest in the world: it focuses on child-centred learning and teacher training, resulting in high academic achievements. Equity and access are also prioritized in the Finnish educational system, ensuring that each child has access to an excellent education. One may claim Finland is a leader in innovation, culture, and intellectual accomplishment because of its robust educational system. Finland’s performance in the Intelligence Capital Index further highlights its ability to leverage the intelligence of its citizens for technological and scientific advancements.

9. Liechtenstein (IQ level: 101.97)

With an average intelligence quotients of 101.07, Liechtenstein is the ninth-highest IQ nation in the world. This indicates that logical reasoning, critical thinking, and creative work are areas in which Liechtensteiners shine. Liechtenstein’s remarkable 100 percent literacy rate suggests that education is a high priority for the country. Liechtenstein is a small country, yet it has made a big impression in many fields, such as finance, tourism, and the arts. Therefore, despite its modest size, Liechtenstein is a nation to keep an eye on in terms of potential and accomplishment.

10. Germany (IQ level: 100.74)

With an average IQ of 100.74, Germany is the tenth-highest IQ nation in the world. This might indicate that, in general, Germans do well in activities requiring the application of logic, abstract thought, and problem-solving techniques. However, it is not simply intelligence that makes Germany unique. With 99 percent of the population literate, the nation places a high priority on education. Germans have a long history of placing a high value on education, which has prepared them for various professions and helped their nation’s economy flourish. The high average intelligence quotients in Germany suggests that the average person possesses strong cognitive abilities.

Read more: Most diverse countries in the world 2024

Is high IQ level really important?

Finding an answer to this question is challenging because it depends on your goals. Standardized tests are crucial in measuring intelligence quotient levels and understanding cognitive abilities. A person with a low intelligence quotients can yet lead a successful, fulfilling life, and vice versa. Regardless of their IQ, the majority of individuals are capable of learning new things. But some people pick things up faster or more easily than others. Special education programs at schools are highly beneficial for students who struggle in one area or have weaknesses in one or more forms of intelligence. An educator aware of a student’s IQ score will be able to determine the level of support the student needs and in which area or areas. On the other hand, some people are naturally gifted in particular cognitive domains. They would also greatly benefit from attending a specialist school that aims to expand and develop their minds.

An IQ score can be useful for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to:

  • Supporting an adult or child’s diagnosis.
  • Assisting in creating a child-appropriate education program and helping with educational placement.
  • Aiding companies in determining if a certain candidate is qualified for a position.

Key contributing elements to high IQ level

Several factors contribute to high IQ levels:

  1. Access to high-quality education: IQ averages are often higher in nations prioritizing education and providing citizens with access to excellent educational resources.
  2. Nutrient intake: A healthy diet, especially early in life, can significantly influence cognitive development and raise IQ levels.
  3. Cultural perspectives on education: People in nations that value education and intellectual endeavors more generally have higher average IQs.
  4. Genetics: Although genetics’ exact function in IQ is still up for discussion, some research indicates that some genetic variables may be relevant.
  5. Socioeconomic factors: Richer nations could have greater access to assets and opportunities for education.
  6. Environmental factors: A clean, healthy, and stimulating atmosphere free of poisons and contaminants that fosters the growth of cognitive abilities and IQ scores.
  7. Parental participation and education: Children can access more engaging surroundings and educational materials if parents are more active and educated.
  8. Early childhood interventions: Research has demonstrated that early childhood interventions, such as excellent preschool programs, affect IQ levels later in life.
  9. Stress on critical thinking: People in nations that strongly emphasize problem-solving techniques and critical thinking in their schooling may have higher average intelligence quotients.

These factors collectively contribute to the overall intellectual capabilities of a nation.


Although IQ scores are undoubtedly helpful and have a place in clinical practice and education, it is essential to understand when and why to utilize them. An IQ score provides some, but not usually all, of the information. While not crippling, it can be vital in assisting someone on their path to success. Additionally, it is not always required to know but might be instructive.

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