
Time for a digital detox

Too much ‘connectivity’ can be hazardous to our wellbeing
Time for a digital detox
Time away from your digital screens is time well spent

Taking a step back from our digital realms and embracing a digital detox can be an incredibly fulfilling journey. In a world where our lives revolve around constant connectivity, it’s easy to become engulfed in the toxicity that accompanies it. However, by breaking free from this cycle, we open ourselves up to a multitude of rewarding experiences. 

Nowadays, being plugged into the digital sphere has become the standard. It’s woven into the very fabric of our daily routines, from the moment we wake up to the familiar chime of our alarm clocks, to winding down at night with soothing melodies from our favorite music apps, designed to lull us into a peaceful sleep.  

Digital lifestyle

In between, digital connectivity plays a major role. From constantly checking work emails and messages, to squeezing in some time to watch the latest viral videos during breaks or even while having a meal, our digital lifestyle offers us incredible advantages. However, it’s important to recognize that it can also introduce stress and anxiety into our lives, often without us realizing it. 

A recent survey conducted by GSMA, a global organization dedicated to unifying the mobile ecosystem, in collaboration with Ericsson, shows that the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia rank among the top 20 countries where smartphone users spend the most time engrossed in their devices. 

Specifically, the UAE and Saudi Arabia share the 11th spot in the overall rankings, with smartphone users in these countries spending an average of 4 hours and 35 minutes per day glued to their mobile screens. It’s worth mentioning that this figure excludes the time spent on other digital devices. 

Read more: Stop impairing your brains: Time for digital detox

Another report published by the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) in the UAE reveals that country’s residents spend approximately 8.36 hours online each day. This is nearly two hours more than the global average of 6.58 hours. When we consider that this amount of screen time is equivalent to the recommended hours for a restful night’s sleep, it becomes apparent just how significant this digital consumption is. 

Experts warn that excessive internet use can lead to unhealthy habits, such as neglecting proper eating and sleeping routines. Moreover, the anxiety stemming from managing numerous messages and the uncertainty of receiving timely replies can contribute to various mental and emotional health problems, including feelings of loneliness and depression. 

Growing trend

Luckily, there is a solution to this “addiction,” as experts call it. It’s known as a digital detox, a process that allows individuals to disconnect from their digital devices, ranging from laptops to smartphones and tablets. Interestingly, this practice is gaining popularity as a growing trend. 

A global survey conducted by Acxiom, a customer intelligence firm based in the U.K., revealed that 25 percent of respondents from various countries around the world opted for a digital detox last year. While this percentage may not seem significant when considering the total global population, it’s worth noting that just a few years ago, the concept of a digital detox was scarcely on people’s minds. 

The popularity of digital detoxes has led to the emergence of dedicated destinations in many cities worldwide. In fact, Dubai has been recognized as the 8th best digital detox destination in a study conducted by InsureMyTrip earlier this year.  

Sarah Webber, the marketing director at InsureMyTrip, shared her thoughts, saying: “In a world where we feel the need to stay connected at all times, it’s good to take a break now and again. The hope is this study will encourage travelers to take a digital break and enjoy all that these destinations have to offer.” 

The study highlighted Dubai as a prominent digital detox destination due to the wide range of relaxation options and activities available to travelers and even local residents seeking to detach themselves from their screens. 

Digital detox

Digital reprieve

Digital detox offers a respite from the constant tether to electronic devices and the negative consequences that come along with it. Numerous studies support the idea that taking a break from technology can enhance sleep quality, improve relationships, and uplift one’s mood. 

During a digital detox, disconnecting from digital devices goes hand in hand with disengaging from social media activities. While these platforms serve as valuable tools for connecting with others, they can also have detrimental effects on mental health, potentially triggering anxiety and depression. Instances of bashing and bullying online can even have a profound impact on individuals, eroding their self-esteem. 

Therefore, carving out time away from technology can prove to be a worthwhile endeavor. Contrary to popular misconceptions, disconnecting from the digital realm from time to time can lead to increased productivity. Moreover, it can foster deeper connections with loved ones, strengthening bonds with family and friends. 

Furthermore, engaging in a digital detox can enhance focus, enabling the brain to concentrate on tasks without the constant interruption of email and message notifications. By detaching from screens, individuals can alleviate the burden of information overload, reducing stress levels in the process. Too much information can overwhelm us, and taking a step back from screens allows for a healthier intake of information, free from the stress it often brings. 

So, what can you do?

In Dubai, many hotels now provide enticing packages for a digital detox staycation, designed to create the perfect atmosphere and offer the necessary support for your detox journey. Should you find yourself overwhelmed by your digital lifestyle, seeking assistance from a professional psychologist is always an option worth considering. 

Nevertheless, there are simpler ways to embark on a digital detox that you can explore on your own, including: 

  • Dedicate a specific day or time for disconnecting from your devices and stepping away from social media. Use this time to immerse yourself in activities that bring you joy, such as reading a book or watching a play, either alone or with loved ones. 
  • Explore fun and creative endeavors. Begin a new hobby or reignite your interest in an old one. Engage in sports, go bowling, or play tennis. Take a hike or venture into unexplored places. While it may be tempting to rely on Google Maps or capture every moment with photos, consider embracing the adventure of asking for traditional directions. It could be a rewarding experience worth trying. 
  • Rediscover the joy of reading a book, a timeless pleasure. Visit a local library or bookstore to find a book that aligns with your interests or passions. Just remember to consider the time spent doing your digital detox a sacred time and commit to tracking your progress to get the most out of the benefits offered by digital detox.

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