
Top 10 countries with the longest maternity leave in the world 2024

Bulgaria tops the list, as the country provides the 58.6 weeks minimum maternity leave
Top 10 countries with the longest maternity leave in the world 2024
The number of weeks granted for maternity leave and the percentage of pay received during that time depends on the country and the employer

Good maternity leave policies go a long way in ensuring inclusiveness at the workplace. Countries and companies with strong maternity leave laws are not only able to tap into a larger resource pool of employees but also tend to have staff work with them for longer periods. Many countries and companies also offer paternity leave for fathers. Depending on the place of employment, maternity/paternity leave may or may not be paid. As such, expectant parents may have to accommodate a reduction of income while on leave, in addition to the added costs associated with newborn babies.

Around the world, minimum maternity leave guidelines are often regulated by law. In many cases, it is funded by the government, with employers free to offer better terms if they wish. As a result, the number of weeks granted for maternity leave and the percentage of pay received during that time varies from one country, state (where applicable), and employer to the next.

Usually, it is not necessary for new mothers to take all of their designated maternity leave in one go. In general, people are allowed to return to work early if they so want, according to the regulations of the nation and their specific circumstances.

Countries with the longest maternity leaves

Let’s take a look at some of the countries that have the longest minimum maternity leaves by weeks in 2024, according to the World Population Review.

Bulgaria (Weeks: 58.6)

Bulgaria tops the list. The country hosts ample business opportunities for expansion in Europe, especially in the manufacturing, IT and agricultural sectors. Additionally, the labor rules in this country are crucial to businesses and have a big impact on the employment sector. Bulgaria’s labor law governs several aspects of work, including leave entitlements. Furthermore, the legislative responsibilities are shaped by collective labor agreements negotiated by trade unions and employers’ organizations.

Greece (Weeks: 43)

Greek employment law provides social security coverage and a range of employee benefits through legislation that both companies and employees must follow. Employers can preserve legal compliance and safeguard the welfare of their personnel by adhering to these requirements.

United Kingdom (Weeks: 39)

Like many other European nations, the United Kingdom has strong employment laws protecting its workforce. Labor laws, also referred to as employment laws, govern the relationships between employers and employees. Employees in the United Kingdom are entitled to a variety of leave options under employment legislation. Employees are permitted to take a certain amount of days off for vacations each year, in addition to other reasons such as maternity leave, sick leave, injury leave, and bereavement leave.

Slovakia (Weeks: 34)

Pregnant employees in Slovakia are entitled to up to 34 weeks of partially paid maternity leave for regular childbirth. Maternity leave is extended in the following cases: 37 weeks (if a mother is raising her child alone without a father) and 43 weeks (if a mother has multiple births viz two or more children. Maternity leave in any case may not be shorter than 14 weeks by the provisions of the law. Although the law allows for up to eight weeks, an employee who is pregnant typically starts her leave six weeks before her due date.

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Croatia (Weeks: 30)

The laws governing the gig economy and remote employment are changing the face of the labor market in Croatia. The most favorable working circumstances for employees are given priority under Croatia’s contract employment rules, even though statutory restrictions provide the framework.

Czechia (Weeks: 28)

Czechia contributes significantly to the world economy. The nation has drawn businesses with its advantageous location and highly qualified labor force. With 10.8 million people, the nation serves as a major hub for industry in Central and Eastern Europe. Interestingly, the parental leave in the country allows both parents to take time off from work until the child reaches three years of age. It is an individual entitlement, meaning that each parent has the right to take it, but only one parent can utilize the benefit at a time.

Ireland (Weeks: 26)

In Ireland, all female employees are entitled to 26 weeks of maternity leave, no matter how long they have worked for their business or how many hours they work each week. An extra 16 weeks of unpaid vacation can be taken, beginning right after the official period ends. New mothers must take at least two weeks before and four weeks following childbirth, though benefits may differ depending on PRSI (paying social insurance) contributions. Employees can receive wages if employers opt to pay them during their break or to top up existing entitlements.

New Zealand (Weeks: 26)

The government of New Zealand, like the majority of governments worldwide, acknowledges the need of providing employees with days off. Employees get time to attend to personal or family matters in addition to relaxing on these days. There are several types of leave benefits. Employees may receive their entire salary for certain kinds of leave, while they may get half or no salary during other kinds of leave. This also depends on how long the individual has been employed by the organization and how long their absence is for.

Iceland (Weeks: 26)

Maternity and paternity leave in Iceland is paid by the government (social security system) at a rate of 80 percent of the employee’s salary. Parents become eligible for paid maternity or paternity leave after months of employment. According to Icelandic law, wages and other terms of employment are negotiated by trade unions and employers. They set the minimum rights for all workers. It is important that you know which collective agreement applies to your job because it gives you information about the wages, rights, leave entitlement and obligations that apply to your job.

Hungary (Weeks: 24)

Hungary, like the majority of other nations, recognizes the need of a positive work environment for sustained economic growth. It has thus established comprehensive labor regulations that ensure that both parties’ rights and duties are set out in detail and cover a wide range of aspects of the employment relationship. Hungary recognizes several public holidays throughout the year. On these days, employees are generally entitled to a paid day off. Additionally, employees may request special leaves for personal reasons, such as marriage or childbirth, with proper notice and documentation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which country gives the longest maternity leave?

Bulgaria provides the 58.6 weeks minimum maternity leave in the world in 2024.

What jobs have the longest maternity leave?

Usually, the jobs doesn’t determine the maternity leave. It is a company’s policy that allows people to take maternity leave irrespective of the kind of jobs they are doing.

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