
The most peaceful countries in the world 2024

Iceland tops the list, followed by Ireland, Austria, New Zealand and Singapore
The most peaceful countries in the world 2024
The main causes of the decline in peace were the ongoing war in Ukraine and Gaza

It is really a dream to live in the most peaceful country, especially at a time when the world order is at a very critical stage, with the Russia-Ukraine war and the Israel-Palestine conflict posing a threat to peace around the globe.

This uncertainty around the world has posed a threat to global peacefulness, and many countries are finding it hard to deal with the rising tension and insecurity.

What does the Global Peace Index 2024 say?

The Institute for Economics and Peace created the Global Peace Index to evaluate and rate the level of peace in different countries. Since its creation in 2007, the list has been released once a year. The index includes numerous indices of peace on a national and worldwide level.

According to the report by Global Peace Index 2024, the world has become less stable. Below are some observations:

  • The 2024 Global Peace Index showed that global peacefulness deteriorated by 0.56 per cent. World peace has declined for the sixth consecutive year.
  • Over the previous year, 97 nations declined, while 65 countries increased. Since the index’s creation, this is the number of nations that have declined the most in a single year.
  • In the Safety and Security domain, peacefulness generally increased, while it declined in the ongoing conflict and militarization domains.
  • The leading causes of the decline in peace were the ongoing war in Ukraine and Gaza.
  • Throughout the last 17 years, there has been a noticeable increase in political unrest, the frequency of conflicts, the number of conflict-related deaths, and violent protests.
  • North American regions saw the biggest regional decline in peace, with significant declines in peace seen in both the U.S. and Canada. Increases in violent crime and public views of criminality were the main causes of this decline.
  • MENA, or the Middle East and North Africa, continues to be the least peaceful region in the world. Four of the 10 least peaceful nations in the world, including Yemen and Sudan, are located there.

Most peaceful countries in the world 2024

Below is the list of the most peaceful countries in the world in 2024:

1. Iceland

Icelanders have peaceful nights since they reside in the world’s calmest country. When it comes to peaceful Iceland, no news is good news. Since the index’s inception in 2008, the country has maintained its top rank for 17 consecutive years. In addition to having the lowest population of any NATO member state (390,000), no standing army, navy, or air force, and the lowest crime rates (to the extent that police officers typically don’t carry guns), Iceland boasts an excellent welfare and education system. It is ranked among the best countries in the world for employment, income, and subjective well-being. Iceland is a prime example of a peaceful society with low crime rates and high well-being.

2. Ireland

Ireland, popular for its stable democracy and respect for political and civil liberties, has dealt with political instability and bloodshed, notably during the Northern Ireland war. But things have changed significantly in the last few years, and in 2023, Ireland was recognized as one of the world’s most peaceful nations. Travellers worldwide choose it as a destination because of its alluring fusion of modern and ancient influences, breathtaking scenery, and hospitable locals.

3. Austria

Austria is a country in Central Europe surrounded by eight other nations. It is well-known for its many internationally renowned museums, galleries, theatres, and stunning natural scenery. It is well known for hosting yearly music events, including the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and the Salzburg Festival. Austria, the hub of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, was reduced to a minor republic following World War I. A president serves as the head of state and a chancellor as the head of government of the federal republic today. Austria’s efforts to develop peaceful societies through cultural and political stability have been instrumental in maintaining its peaceful environment.

4. New Zealand

According to the 2024 Global Peace Index, New Zealand is the most peaceful nation in Asia-Pacific. Due to drops in the metrics for weapons imports and exports and an increase in military spending as a share of GDP, the country’s peace status somewhat worsened over the previous year. However, New Zealand’s high ranking is still attributed to low domestic and international conflict levels, contributing to its peaceful status and stable political environment. The Defence Force (NZDF) of New Zealand has encountered difficulties lately with staff retention and the condition of its somewhat outdated air force and navy. The NZDF’s budget was raised to address these problems, which worsened the militarization situation. The domain of ongoing conflict did not change, but the domain of safety and security saw a little improvement due to a decline in the terrorist effect index.

5. Singapore

Singapore is a flourishing island city-state located on the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula in Southeast Asia. It has a thriving metropolis, outstanding infrastructure, and a flawlessly functioning transportation system. The nation is among the most peaceful in the world. It is a major hub for international trade, banking and tourism because of its advantageous position, stable political system, and strong economy. Since attaining independence in 1965, Singapore has also implemented a parliamentary democracy system. Additionally, Singapore is recognized as the third most peaceful country in the Asia-Pacific region.

6. Switzerland

Switzerland is precisely what one would expect: a nation with nearly nonexistent international conflict, a very high level of social safety, and remarkable political stability. But this country’s unexpected level of militarization — with around 8.9 million people, the total number of active and reserve army soldiers is about 147,000 — prevents it from ranking in the top five. Switzerland is one of the top exporters of firearms worldwide per capita, along with other highly respected peaceful countries like Singapore, Canada, Norway, and the Netherlands. Switzerland is still a wealthy nation that values linguistic and religious diversity. It was ranked 10th in the World Happiness Report by the United Nations.

7. Portugal

Portugal is Europe’s 5th most peaceful nation, at 7th place on the 2024 Global Peace Index. In the category of militarization, it comes in second. Portugal’s GDP is negatively impacted by economic violence by 5.52 per cent. Portugal has risen significantly in the peace rankings throughout the years; in 2014, it was ranked 14th out of 163 nations.

Read more: Most diverse countries in the world 2024

8. Denmark

Denmark, a country in Scandinavia located in a peaceful region known for its stability, rich history, strong economy, and dedication to sustainability and innovation, is one of the world’s most peaceful nations. The majority of the population is Danish. However, there are sizable ethnic minorities made up of people from Turkey, Poland, Romania, Germany, and Iraq. Denmark is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy, with Copenhagen acting as the nation’s political, economic, and cultural centre.

9. Slovenia

With one of the highest concentrations of biodiversity on the continent, Slovenia’s half-forested area allows you to bathe in the Adriatic Sea or hike the Julian Alps in only one hour’s drive from the city Ljubljana. It is the most peaceful nation in the CEE region and the only nation from Central Europe to rank in the top 10. Slovenia ranks highly among countries encompassing a significant portion of the world’s population.

10. Malaysia

Malaysia climbed nine places from the previous year to enter the top 10 most peaceful nations in the world. Additionally, it ranks as the third-most peaceful country in the Asia-Pacific region. Compared to 2014, when the nation placed 33rd out of 163 nations in the Global Peace Index, this is a notable increase. Its advancement in preserving peace and stability throughout time is demonstrated by the improvement in rankings.

Factors contributing to peacefulness

There are several factors that contribute to the peacefulness of a country. Peaceful societies benefit from various factors such as political stability, economic growth, and social cohesion. These societies are less burdened by violence and corruption, experience greater economic value, lower costs associated with conflict, and enhanced citizen happiness. Below are some of the key factors:

A government that runs smoothly

A smoothly operating government maintains the rule of law, fosters political stability, promotes trust and participation, and provides excellent public and civil services.

A healthy business environment

The robustness of both the formal institutions and the economic climate that facilitate the private sector’s operations is very important. Strong business environments are correlated with both economic productivity and corporate competitiveness, which are found in the most peaceful nations.

Fair allocation of resources

An equitable access to resources like health care, education, and, to a lesser extent, income distribution is often ensured in peaceful nations.

Gratitude for other people rights

Both official laws that protect fundamental freedoms and rights of individuals and informal social and cultural standards that govern citizen conduct are upheld in peaceful nations.

Amicable ties with the neighbours

Peace depends on harmonious ties between ethnic, religious, and cultural groups living in a nation as well as with other nations. Positive ties both inside and beyond the country lead to greater levels of peace, political stability, efficient governance, regional integration, and a decrease in organized internal conflict.

Unrestricted information exchange

Independent and free media outlets provide information in a way that advances knowledge and facilitates improved decision-making by the public, private sector, and civil society. This leads to better outcomes and more rational responses in times of crisis.


Certainly, peace is the most precious factor which almost every country yeans for. Peaceful nations thrive in every sense, as their government does not bother about any conflict. Thus all the capital will be used for the development of the country and promoting its economy, culture and tourism. Similarly, peaceful countries can have good relations wither their neighboring countries, as this helps both the nations to engage in trade and commerce more. Overall, a peaceful country will always thrive and flourish in comparison with those nations who are in state of war.

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