
Connected Cars: changing the way the world moves

Are you just driving in your car? That will soon be a thing of the past!

The return of ‘Bleisure’ travel

Business travel is regaining momentum as a growing number of companies look at it to secure growth

Amidst turmoil, the promise of crypto currencies is unchanged

Bitcoin, alt-coins, highly correlated with NASDAQ, S&P 500

Why Golden Visas continue to gain popularity

Portugal, which started its program in 2012, remains the most popular

GDPR 4th anniversary

Risk analysis is another important area of GDPR compliance

Building tomorrow’s workforce: Six no-regrets plays to make today

 Middle East businesses should seize digital transformation opportunities

The metaverse creates virtual opportunities with real-world results

From gaming, to travel, jobs and more, nothing is off-limits

Digital transformation: Inevitable, inescapable

Startups are the most agile and therefore best positioned for quick shifts

Beyond bricks and stones: Buildings need strong technological foundations

The industry stakeholders lost sight of buildings’ unsustainable energy usage

12 health tips for Ramadan

A person should Think about the type and quantity of food they eat

Saudi Arabia’s IPO Outlook   

In line with Vision 2030, we are currently witnessing a massive transformation within the Kingdom

Climate change, food & water security lessons in 2021

With business activity back, the world may go back to high-carbon ways

The impact of the Russian invasion on markets

it seems like energy was intentionally left out of the sanctions package

Major change means new sectors look to advertising revenue

Advertising is turning out to be more adaptable, robust than some predicted

It’s time to shift the narrative on female founders

women eclipse men in skills like teamwork, innovation, and problem-solving

Breaking the bias: Are women absent on the Metaverse?

Women, in some cases, are reporting frustrations on VR platforms

No brand, technology or ad spend can replace CX

"I want to ensure that in every customer journey, all customers are engaged"

“A Sustainable Feminist Recovery”

Women have heroically confronted the COVID-19 pandemic as doctors, nurses

Developing a Change Leader Mindset

Being a change leader separates the most influential managers from the rest

Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the workplace

emotional self-control is possibly the most valuable skill at work

Employees and burdens of hybrid work meeting inequality

Nearly 1 in 3 workers struggle to feel heard